World Teachers’ Day: Speaker Abbas seeks more discipline, morality in schools


Reading time: 1 Minute


The Speaker of the House of Representatives Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, has congratulated teachers in Nigeria and all over the world on the occasion of this year’s World Teachers’ Day, noting their immeasurable contributions to society.

The Speaker, who is an academic-turned-lawmaker, described teachers as destiny moulders and life changers.

He also hailed teachers for their critical roles in the mental and behavioural development of their pupils and students.

Speaker Abbas noted that teachers, or lecturers not only educate but also serve as guardians and mentors to the wards in the schools at all levels.

The Speaker assured teachers of the readiness of the 10th House under his leadership, in assisting the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration towards the development of the education sector in the country as well as better welfare for workers in the sector.

Speaker Abbas urged teachers to continue to instil discipline and moral standards in pupils and students, which he said serve as an antidote to crimes and other vices in society.

He said this is one reason why all hands must be on deck to ensure that standards in the sector do not fall, so as to ensure that graduates have the academic and moral qualifications to become leaders of tomorrow.


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