Reading time: 1 Minute

    I want implore the good citizens of Ogun state not to allow the ongoing frenzy of the most anticipated list of commissioner nominees in the history of Ogun State to take us away from seeking due diligence on the verification process.

    We are pleased that the names of the commissioner nominees had been sent to the state legislators for their approval, it is at this point that I want to humbly suggest that the names of every nominee should be accompanied with their portfolios in order to have a sort of thoroughly wholesome scrutiny/approval from the state legislative arm.

    The verification exercise as expected from the legislators will almost be counterproductive if the names of every nominated members are not accompanied with their respective offices, the state cannot afford to spend more time in rectifying, or any further deliberations on the assignment of portfolios to the nominees after they must had been cleared.
    If their offices are not attached to their names, the exercise by the state legislative members will merely be a kind of flamboyant personality check and roll calling which will not actually serve the purpose of ensuring Round Pegs in Round Holes.

    This suggestion is being profered to forestall the repeat of what we had at the federal level, when president Muhammadu Buhari only sent names of ministerial nominees to the Senate for approval without attaching their offices, which brought about a lot of furore in the media and several political fora and we all witnessed the shuffling and reshuffling of the president’s cabinet, which delayed the administrative take off of the new administration after several months of waiting……

    Ogun State can not afford another rigours and time of cabinet reshuffle, we need to forestall every likelihood of further delay in running the machinery of the state’s mechanism.

    [Deji Ogundimu]