Reading time: 2 Minutes

– Hansome Peace

Most boys find it difficult to woo a girl not to talk about winning their hearts. We all have reasons for that, either fear, inferiority complex or even lack of know-how.

Winning a girl’s heart is something you must know how to do if you ever want to get married to someone you love. Love is a natural thing but winning a heart depends on you.

Getting a girl is not as hard as what people think; it is as easy as ABC. To win a girl’s heart easily, you must;

– Study the girl: Before you approach a girl, you must know some things about her. Even if you don’t know anything, you must know her likes and dislikes, the kind of guy she likes and the way she relates to people.

– Approach her: Approach her, don’t be scared. You have all the information about her, why must you be scared? Just walk up to her, introduce yourself and be friendly with her. Don’t tell her your mind the first time you approach her. Just be normal.

– Be nice to her: Try to be nice to her; girls like nice guys. She might do annoying things, don’t mind it. Just be nice. It is one of the major paths to her heart.

– Earn her trust: Trust is the greatest thing you can use to win her heart. Be truthful to her. She would try to know more about you; don’t keep anything from her. Once you gain her trust, you are closer to her heart than ever.

– Finish what you have started: What are you waiting for? You have earned her trust; tell her that you love her. She might be mad at you the first time you tell her, don’t give up.

Winning a girl’s heart is not a forceful thing. The patient dog eats the fattest bone. Be patient, keep persuading her and be nice. Girls are emotional and need to be treated well.

To our girls, please open your heart. Once you notice a guy truly loves you, please don’t disappoint him.