Devastating Landslide Strikes Guinea Province, Over 670 Feared Dead


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A devastating landslide in Papua New Guinea’s Enga province has resulted in a catastrophic loss of life, with estimates suggesting over 670 people have perished.

The disaster struck in the early hours of Friday morning, engulfing the hillside village and burying numerous homes and their occupants.

According to the UN migration agency’s representative, Serhan Aktoprak, more than 150 houses have been buried, and the death toll is expected to rise.

The situation remains dire, with ongoing landslides and water runoff posing significant risks to rescue efforts.

Emergency workers and villagers are facing immense challenges in their search for survivors, including treacherous terrain, damaged roads, and nearby tribal violence.

Despite these obstacles, villagers continue their desperate search for loved ones, using makeshift tools to uncover those trapped beneath the mud and debris.

Disaster worker Omer Mohamud described the scene as “traumatising”, with villagers using basic tools like sticks and spades to locate bodies.

The tragedy has left the community in a state of shock and grief, as they struggle to come to terms with the magnitude of the disaster.

Tropic Reporters
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