Bill to convert Ogun technical college to aviation school passes second reading


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Senate noted that the upgrade would resolve some of the challenges facing the nation’s aviation sector.

A bill seeking to convert the Federal Technical College in Ilara-Remo in Ogun State to the College of Aviation Technology has passed a second reading at the Senate.

The bill was sponsored by Gbenga Daniel (APC, Ogun East).

The bill was read the second time on Wednesday and was transferred to the Senate Committee on Tertiary Institutions for further legislative actions.

The Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, directed the committee to report to the Senate within four weeks

Mr Daniel, while leading a debate on the bill, said conversion of the technical college to an aviation college should be considered to resolve some of the challenges facing the Nigerian aviation sector.

The former governor of Ogun State, listed infrastructural development, security measures, research and technological innovation as some of the challenges that would be resolved when the technical college is finally upgraded to a college of aviation technology.

The senator said if the challenges are resolved, the Nigerian aviation industry will be developed to a high standard and the sector will improve the economy of the nation.

“While Nigeria has made significant progress in aviation technology, there are still challenges to address. These include the need for continued investment in infrastructure development, the enhancement of safety and security measures, and the promotion of research and innovation in aviation technology.

“By addressing these challenges, Nigeria can further strengthen its aviation sector, boost economic growth, and promote connectivity both domestically and internationally,” he said.

Mr Daniel also explained that the establishment of the college of aviation technology in Ilara-Remo will improve academic training, research on aircraft maintenance, air traffic control, and pilot training.

“The establishment of the aviation technology college in Ilara-Remo, will no doubt boost academic trainings and researches in the areas of aircraft maintenance, air traffic

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